What does it mean to be a Queen?

freedom love love-life personal relationships sel-belief self consciousness self-compassion self-confidence self-forgiveness self-love soul love soul self Jul 05, 2022

A Queen is a woman who owns her crown, whether she is wearing it or not. 

She knows her worth from deep within and does not look outside herself for her right to be Queen. 

For she is a woman who has explored her shadows and learned to celebrate her light.   

She is a woman who is able to fall in love with the magnificent possibilities within her and breathe them into being.

She is a woman who knows of the magic and mystical places inside her. The sacred places that can nurture her soul and make her whole.ā€Æā€Æ 

She is a woman who emanates light and ignites the fire in others.

She is magnetic.


She walks into a room and men and women alike feel her the strength of her presence, power, and gentleness of her radiant heart all at the same time. 


She has powerful sexual energy – an aliveness that’s not contingent on how she looks.


She has a body that she adores, and it shows by the way sheā€Æcomfortably lives and moves in it.  

She is a mother to the world’s children. She flows with life with grace and ease, but never laziness, for she is not a spoiled princess.

She can heal with a look or a touch of the hand. She is wildly sensual, fearlessly erotic and is mistress of her own pleasure.

 She engages in both sex and intimacy as her way to share with another in touching the divine.

 She is compassion. She is empathy. She is wisdom. 

 She is seeker of truth and cares deeply about something far greater than herself. She is a woman who knows that her purpose in life is to reach higher and lead with love. She is woman in love with love. 

 She knows that joy is her destiny and by embracing it, expressing it and sharing it with others, she heals old wounds and gifts permission to others to live theirs too.  

 She knows that she knows everything and nothing at the same time.

She is a woman who has come to know that her partner is as vulnerable, lost, and frightened as she has been at times. And whilst she holds him to the highest standard for himself as King, she has also come to understand the scars of the boy in him. She knows her job is not to fix or take responsibility for those scars, but that together, divine love and healthy interdependent relating can be the salve that heals both their wounds. 


She is a woman who does not need to dethrone or disempower another to know her own power and right to her own throne.

She is a woman who is lovingly supportive and generously giving, without giving what she does not have to give. 

She is a woman who can accept herself as she is. She can accept another as they are. She is able to forgive her mistakes and not feel threatened by another’s mistakes. She is a woman who can ask for help when she needs it or give help when asked. 

She lives with both heart and eyes wide open - allowing in, and showing the way out as needed, according to her loving boundaries, and alignment with her soul. 

She is woman who takes responsibility for everything she creates in her life, and pivots as life calls for, to lead her into higher reaches, greater depths and further realms.

She can see Divinity in another’s eyes. She can see Divinity in her own. She can see Divinity in all of life.

She’s not just in some of us, but in all of us.  She is you, my Queen.

To your Queendom


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