"I found my real passion in life, my fuel and the ‘thing’ that makes my heart sing!"
So many results within such a short time! Suddenly everything makes sense again and I feel so energized and inspired!
I found my real passion in life, my fuel and the ‘thing’ that makes my heart sing: animals and standing up for their rights! It was always there – but I had forgotten about it because I listened too long and too much to other people’s voices “I should do something serious with my life” when I expressed my love for animals and that they should be treated with respect and justice.
There are so many things I am so grateful to have Michele as a coach!
I never thought how exciting it can be to find out what really drives you, and how easy it feels when you are on the right path (again). I am getting involved in things that are really true and important to me and I feel much more fulfilled and this feeling of sadness is replaced with excitement!
Tanya S, Ph.D., Post Doctoral Researcher, Animal Rights Advocate
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"I felt encouraged, uplifted and understood to pursue the real dreams I’d been hesitant to admit - to even myself."
As a life and business mentor Michele is a thoughtful and gifted communicator, a wise counsel, and a discerning and compassionate friend. I felt encouraged, uplifted, and understood, enabling me to pursue the real dreams I’d been hesitant to admit to even myself. When I began working with Michele, I’d recently left a job in academia and wanted to take some time out to explore other possibilities. It felt like a good time to take stock and to imagine the possibilities for the next phase of my life. I’d taken one of her workshops first and was impressed with her fusion of intelligence, enthusiasm and compassion, and the materials she gave us. Michele had obviously put a lot of work into preparing, and that gave me the confidence in her to talk about coaching.
Over the course of our work, I started my own part-time business. I applied for and got into a course at Oxford University – somewhere I’d been dreaming of going for years. I also started practising yoga much more intensively, did my yoga teacher training and have begun teaching in the UK and Australia – and I love it!
Bree* Academic , Environmentalist, Sacred Activist
*Name changed, confidential
"I got the Job! Part-time, better pay, in an industry I love!"
"I got the Job! Part-time, better pay, in an industry I love!"
Michele is great at what she does and is a big advocate of people doing work which inspires them and encourages them to utitilise the skills and abilities that they naturally possess. She really helped me overcome my fears and offer solutions on how to mitigate the risk of changing jobs and industries. End result: I got the job, part time, better pay, more opportunities for advancement in an industry I love, and above all: happiness.
UPDATE: Ying now has her own successful property advisory business
Ying Chan, Property Advisor
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"I'm now engaged to be married to the most wonderful man!"
I came to Michele on a friend’s recommendation, wanting change in two big areas of my life – work and love. I was a bit wary of coaching, but I’d reached a point where I’d done all I could myself and knew I needed outside help. Michele has been amazing. Unlike many professional counselling/coaching types, she’s truly ‘been there, done that’ – corporate life, the scientific approach, the spiritual/alternative path, self-employment. I knew that she could relate to what was happening for me, so I felt free to share everything, which allowed us to work holistically.
Some months and a hundred tiny ‘shifts’ in me later, my business is going better than it ever has before. I’m making more money, having proper time off (!) and, most importantly, enjoying work wholeheartedly for the first time in years. I don’t dread getting up in the morning, I’m not stressed – I’m excited about upcoming projects and directions, and I keep getting better at managing and shaping the business and my workload. On the personal front, the change has been equally huge.
This is going to sound like an infomercial, but I’m now engaged to be married to the most wonderful man! It’s a healthy, happy, easy relationship, and I’m still amazed. Michele, thank you with all my heart!”
UPDATE: Vanya married that man in Bali!
Vanya Black* Freelance Writer
*Name changed, confidential
"Michele is supportive, focused, fun to be around and a natural ‘way shower’ - a real inspiration!"
When I first attended a life purpose workshop I was looking for a change in my life and career. I had a bit of idea about a project I wanted to do but didn’t have much clarity or know quite what to do to make that a reality. I went in feeling like I was going through the motions, not really having much hope in getting more focus or direction in where my life was going. I left that day with my eyes wide open! A new found enthusiasm and excitement I hadn’t felt for a long while! Not only did I ‘feel’ great, I truly had a practical plan of exactly what to do, and the next steps I had to take to get me there.
That was a year ago and after working with Michele, I am just about to go on a national tour to promote the launch of my new website business, that was then only my dream. I feel inspired, knowing that this is exactly what I am meant to be doing with my life.
Michele has taught me so much; introduced me to skills I wasn’t even aware were important. Not just surface level stuff like how to manage my finances (which she has also provided guidance in) but how to stop built in, negative thought patterns that were affecting those areas to begin with. I learnt to replace them with positive ones, look within and realise my true values, not ones I have been told to have throughout my life.
Natalie Bowcutt, Entrepreneur & Yoga-Teacher
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"I have seen radical transformations in my life, my work, my friendships and family relationships."
After leaving a long marriage I wanted to better understand some of my own patterns and potential blocks with regards to relationships, guidance on getting back in dating again, especially how to navigate the world of online dating.
Michele has a great understanding of the psychology of men and women and relationships, is down to earth and provided practical day to day tips and strategies which is enormously helpful.
She helped me really focus on going back to basics, of truly understanding myself and the ways in which I acquired very limiting beliefs about relationship and men, provided a safe place in which to explore how to reconnect to my feminine self that had been suppressed for many years (as a chief officer in the financial sector), and helped me understand how important it was to find my authentic self and to "fill my cup" before setting out into the world of men and relationships.
Michele is caring, understanding and supportive but still holds you to account for your own stuff no matter how uncomfortable, and whilst I initially went to focus on dating, I ended up starting a journey back to myself and I will always be eternally grateful to her for this.
As I have reconnected to my own self, I feel a joy and centredness that I have never felt before and I have seen radical transformations in my life, my work, my friendships and family relationships.
Stella R*, Chief Operating Officer
*Name changed, confidential
"The realisations have been priceless and have not only changed my business but my entire life!"
I came to see Michele for soul purpose and business coaching. With multiple businesses, confusion & lack of clarity due to too many ideas I was confused and stuck in inertia, with old patterns and beliefs keeping me small.
Michele gave me clarity when I felt lost, self love when I was looking outward, and joy when I felt confused and frustrated with areas of my life.
The realisations have been priceless and have not only changed my business but my entire life!
Michele is intuitive, patient and very knowledgeable at personal and business levels - from relationships to business, to marketing, selling etc. I love her diversity of topics and experience and it was those talents in multiple areas that helped me manage and bring together different areas in my life with new found cohesion and clarity.
Mara Dower, Entrepreneur
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"I discovered what is truly important to me on a soul level”
I have always been a strong, capable woman; but lately not exactly sure where I belong in this city. Starting my own business, being active, strong and competitive, seemed to override my subtle, sensual, softer side, which I had neglected so as to protect myself and ‘get ahead.
I felt disconnected from my feminine side, full of limiting self-belief’s, pleasing others, and caring about people’s opinions of me were affecting my sense of self, where I fit in, and what I really wanted.
Michele helped me to challenge and change my beliefs, understand of the power of my disowned feminine energy, and to take full responsibility for my own ability to create my experience of life.
Now I ‘m a strong, capable, confident woman...who also takes time out to enjoy my life, create and have fun! I’ve rediscovered what is truly important to me on a soul level and become aware of my ability to shape the world around me. People have gone from my life, while others have come in. I feel amazing!
Sophie* Medical Industry Entrepreneur
*Name changed, confidential
“After working with Michele I feel awake and alive inside, the excitement I have for life is a feeling of great happiness that I never knew was within me.”
We all have a purpose in life, we all have dreams. Michele makes you realise that those dreams can come true, gives you confidence and helps you turn all those dreams into reality.
Michele you’re amazing. I love you, you’re an angel sent from god. Thank you so much for everything you have made me believe I can be.
Claire Scannell, Beauty & Wellness Clinic Owner
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"Michele's wisdom, insight and guidance helped me achieve a personal transformation that I didn’t believe was possible."
I would like to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to Michele Peppler, who has been my mentor and coach for the past few months. Her wisdom, insight and guidance have helped me achieve a personal transformation that I didn’t believe was possible, especially in the area of personal relationships.
Working in a pretty mainstream role, I had always found it difficult to find my ‘people.’ Making real connections with new people was hard for me, so I first found Michele through her course ‘Calling in Your Tribe.’ I learnt so much, I decided to work 1:1 with her, and as a result I am not only now married to my soulmate, but I have met & created friendships with a bunch of like-minded people.
I’ve tried different personal development courses and seminars over the years, but none of them really worked for me. I thought I knew myself and I had it all figured out. But that was exactly the problem, I was trying to think my way out. My transformation had to come from the heart, not the mind.
Marcella Freeman*
*Name changed, confidential
Read the full story...
Tanja, S. – Biologist, PHD Graduate, Animal Rights Advocate
So many results within such a short time! Suddenly everything makes sense again and I feel so energized and inspired!
I found my real passion in life, my fuel and the ‘thing’ that makes my heart sing: animals and standing up for their rights! It was always there – but I had forgotten about it because I listened too long and too much to other people’s voices “I should do something serious with my life” when I expressed my love for animals and that they should be treated with respect and justice. I never thought how exciting it can be to find out what really drives you. And on the other side how easy it feels when you are on the right path (again). I am getting involved in things that are really true and important to me and I feel much more fulfilled and this feeling of sadness is replaced with excitement!
There are so many things I am so grateful to have Michele as a coach! Before coaching, I felt side-tracked and not in the right place, but didn’t know what the right place was. I had always this feeling of sadness as if something is missing, that life was happening out there without me – but that I should have a place there somehow.
She gave me straight away the feeling that I can talk openly about anything and that someone is really listening to what I am saying. She helped me to understand more who I am and that it is OK to be myself. I love the fact, that she has a huge range of knowledge in psychological theories and that she applies them in a very individual way.
She picks up very fast unconscious things within me and reflects them to me in a very loving and patient way. And describes them in a way that it is very easy for me to understand, to adapt it straight away and I leave her every time feeling very uplifted.
Because I started to feel more comfortable in my own skin and braver to speak my truth, I started to dream again, to believe in possibilities, to learn how to find own solutions and to take responsibilities for my life. In short, more self-confidence, self-love, purpose and hope!
I also love her events as there are lots of other beautiful and amazing women on a similar journey. A very safe and loving space to be able to open my heart and invite my soul sisters in.
I would highly recommend Michele if you have the feeling that you want to find out what is really driving you, if you want to become more self-loving and just connect more to your inner truth.
Thank you so much, Michele!!!! I am so, so grateful for you!!!! You are amazing – even 6 years of different modalities didn’t help me the way you did.
Much, much love to you!!!!
Bree* Academic , Environmentalist, Sacred Activist
*Name changed, confidential
“As a life and business mentor Michele is a thoughtful and gifted communicator, a wise counsel, and a discerning and compassionate friend. I felt encouraged, uplifted, and understood, enabling me to pursue the real dreams I’d been hesitant to admit to even myself. When I began working with Michele, I’d recently left a job in academia and wanted to take some time out to explore other possibilities. It felt like a good time to take stock and to imagine the possibilities for the next phase of my life. I’d taken one of her workshops first and was impressed with her fusion of intelligence, enthusiasm and compassion, and the materials she gave us. Michele had obviously put a lot of work into preparing, and that gave me the confidence in her to talk about coaching.
Over the course of our work, I started my own part-time business. I applied for and got into a course at Oxford University – somewhere I’d been dreaming of going for years. I also started practising yoga much more intensively, did my yoga teacher training and have begun teaching in the UK and Australia – and I love it!
More fundamentally, working with Michele helped me through a particularly challenging phase of life, including a major illness in the family, and enabled me to see possibilities for myself that I hadn’t been able to see. The biggest benefit for me, was having someone intelligent, compassionate and gifted to work with who understood the corporate world – the structures, the planning and all that – but also the world of space, of possibilities, of dreams and imaginings; someone who could help me see myself and what I could become though new eyes; someone who could help me see the ways in which I was limiting myself.
How can you put a value on realising the ways in which you’ve been limiting yourself? That some of what I thought was ‘just me’ was a story I’d been telling myself that didn’t have to be true? Michele helped me see that I could rewrite the script. Michele puts a lot of effort into her events and coaching, provides excellent materials and offers thoughtful and helpful reflections on the issues that emerge. Quite simply, you will receive incredible value from your time with Michele.”
Ying Chan, Property Advisor
Michele is great at what she does and is a big advocate of people doing work which inspires them and encourages them to utitilise the skills and abilities that they naturally possess. She really helped me overcome my fears and offer solutions on how to mitigate the risk of changing jobs and industries.
I was initially scared, stuck in a job I wasn’t particularly passionate about and thought it would be near impossible to find another part time job that was as flexible and well paid as my current one.
Working with Michele helped me see the light and take up this amazing opportunity which pretty much landed in my lap. She helped me work through my fears and gave me various options on how to address them. She showed me how to shift my thinking, pitch for part time work, in the field I am passionate about, and focus on the desired outcome.
Most importantly Michele also gave me the confidence to believe in myself again, which I had lost along the way. End result: I got the job, part time, better pay, more opportunities for advancement in an industry I love, and above all: happiness. I feel invigorated, motivated and much more relaxed towards my partner and daughter.
Like me, you may have thought life coaching is only for people who want to make drastic life changes but now I can’t believe I have been able to make this transition about 8 years earlier than I originally thought!
This was the first time I have ever worked with a life coach and probably won’t experience anyone else because I would only use Michele. Highly recommended.”
Update: Since then, Ying hasn't stopped, running her own successful Property Advocacy business, Eclipse Property and building her own team.
Sophie* Medical Industrial Entrepreneur
*Name changed, confidential
I have always been a strong, capable woman; but lately not exactly sure where I belong in this city. Starting my own business, being active, strong and competitive, seemed to override my subtle, sensual, softer side, which I had neglected so as to protect myself and ‘get ahead.
I felt disconnected from my feminine side, full of limiting self-belief’s, pleasing others, and caring about people’s opinions of me were affecting my sense of self, where I fit in, and what I really wanted.
Michele helped me to challenge and change my beliefs, understand of the power of my disowned feminine energy, and to take full responsibility for my own ability to create my experience of life.
Now I ‘m a strong, capable, confident woman...who also takes time out to enjoy my life, create and have fun! I’ve rediscovered what is truly important to me on a soul level and become aware of my ability to shape the world around me. People have gone from my life, while others have come in. I feel amazing!
I’ve learnt skills and resources for on-going self-love, self-care, self-nurturing and self-leadership, honoured my integrity to follow through on my commitments, and how to instill personal boundaries not from a place of defensiveness but from a genuine place of self-honouring and we used awesome, unique technique’s I had not experienced before.
Michele also has a wealth of information, is able to connect with many different individual’s, she is real, beautiful and receptive. She is a wonderful role model, passionate about women expressing themselves through purpose and play and I am excited to uncover more!
Natalie Bowcutt, Entrepreneur
When I first attended a life purpose workshop I was looking for a change in my life and career. I had a bit of idea about a project I wanted to do but didn’t have much clarity or know quite what to do to make that a reality. I went in feeling like I was going through the motions, not really having much hope in getting more focus or direction in where my life was going. I left that day with my eyes wide open – a new found enthusiasm and excitement I hadn’t felt for a long while! Not only did I ‘feel’ great, I truly had a practical idea of exactly what to do in the future and the next steps I had to take to get me there.
That was a year ago and I am just about to go on a national tour to promote the launch of my new website business, that was then only my dream. I feel inspired, knowing that this is what I am meant to be doing with my life and that life as I know it is about to change forever.
Michele has taught me so much; introduced me to skills I wasn’t even aware were important. Not just surface level stuff like how to manage my finances or set myself up in a home (which she has also provided guidance in) but how to stop built in, negative thought patterns that were affecting those areas to begin with. I learnt to replace them with positive ones, by looking within and realising my true values, not ones I have been told to have throughout my life.
Michele is not only non-judgemental, patient and fun to be around, she is also focused and supportive in her approach, unbelievably positive in her attitude and a natural ‘way shower’; a real inspiration.
Thank you for all of your insight and ongoing support through our sessions, I don’t know where I’d be without you.”
Marcella Freeman*
*Name changed, confidential
"I would like to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to Michele Peppler, who has been my mentor and coach for the past few months. Her wisdom, insight and guidance have helped me achieve a personal transformation that I didn’t believe was possible, especially in the area of personal relationships
Working in a pretty mainstream role, I had always found it difficult to find my ‘people.’ Making real connections with new people was hard for me, so I first found Michele through her course ‘Calling in Your Tribe.’ I learnt so much, I decided to work 1:1 with her, and as a result I am not only now married to my soulmate, but I have met & created friendships with a bunch of like-minded people.
I’ve tried different personal development courses and seminars over the years, but none of them really worked for me. I thought I knew myself and I had it all figured out. But that was exactly the problem, I was trying to think my way out. My transformation had to come from the heart, not the mind.
Michele helped me get involved in a world of events and people that felt like coming ‘home,’ but more than that she helped me find my authentic self. I also worked with Michele a few years later to help me transition careers, when I was made redundant.
I highly recommend Michele to anyone looking for something in their lives, be it love, truth, freedom or anything else the soul needs. Thank you so much Michele for your energy, your presence and guidance over the past few months. You are an amazing gift to this world."
Claire Scannell, Beauty & Wellness Clinic Owner
Before I started coaching with Michele I was frustrated, lost and had no control on life. Life was a confused struggle and I felt as though I was stuck in mud. Full of anxiety, stress, worry and all this dreaded negative energy was making me confused, flaky, frustrated and making stupid mistakes. I hated everything around me. I was full of anger – and hated life.
“After working with Michele I feel awake and alive inside, the excitement I have for life is a feeling of great happiness that I never knew was within me.”
The first few sessions that I went to see Michele I got lost, kept forgetting the address, what tram to get on and get off. In the process of this I used to keep thinking I was stupid and a failure. I told myself everyday I’m stupid and going nowhere in life. I’ll be honest the first few times I went to Michele I didn’t even want to go but a good friend of mine insisted that I went because she loved me and knew there were more possibilities for in life for me.
After working with Michele I feel awake and alive inside, the scared person is no longer within me, the excitement I have for life is a feeling of great happiness that I never knew was within me. My mind is now thinking more clearly and I can focus on things that are important to me.
As weeks went on I couldn’t believe all the extraordinary things that were happening for me, it was almost like magic. I suddenly realise I have so much more gratitude for life. I’m so energised and feel so positive. The biggest learning for me was to be true to myself. To be able to change those negative feelings into positive feelings for myself. I feel can let go the past and to forgive those who hurt me as it’s bringing me no good in the future.
I now leave my session with Michele and walk up the street, that I once hated and notice how pretty the area is and how cute the trams are that pass me. I feel as if I’m walking in a dream filled with love, excitement and so many possibilities – I feel awake.
Michele has the most loving, caring nature. She is supportive in the process of creating choices which enables you to move forward towards all the new goals while leaving negative outmoded attitudes, beliefs and values behind.
We all have a purpose in life, we all have dreams. Michele makes you realise that those dreams can come through. Michele gives you confidence and helps you pursue all those dreams into reality.
Michele you’re amazing. I love you, you’re an angel sent from god. Thank you so much for everything you have made me believe I can be.
Mara Dower, Entrepreneur
I came to see Michele for purpose coaching. With multiple businesses, confusion & lack of clarity due to too many ideas I was confused and stuck in inertia, with old patterns and beliefs keeping me small.
Michele gave me clarity when I felt lost, self love when I was looking outward, and joy when I felt confused and frustrated with areas of my life.
I’ve learnt that I AM love, The lover to self. And that at the end of the day is my purpose. This realisation has been priceless and has not only changed my business but my entire life.
Michele is intuitive, patient and very knowledgeable at personal and business levels - from relationships to business, marketing, selling etc. I love her diversity of topics and experience and it was those talents in multiple areas that helped me manage and bring together different areas in my life with new found cohesion and clarity.
I now have clarity, and most importantly confidence and belief in myself. I have changed my relationship with self and therefore others.
Thank you Michele for your love, honest feedback in every session and ongoing support. I loved your wealth of knowledge and expertise. You went beyond the ordinary coaching sessions, with lots of email support and additional information and I always felt you had my back.
Much Love, Mara
Stella* Chief Operating Officer
*Name changed, confidential
I went to see Michele after leaving a long marriage and feeling that I wanted to better understand some of my own patterns and potential blocks with regards to relationships as well as some guidance on getting back in dating again, especially how to navigate the world of online dating.
Michele helped me really focus on going back to basics, of truly understanding myself and the ways in which I inherited or acquired very limiting beliefs about relationship and men.
She provided a safe place in which to explore how to reconnect to my feminine self that had been suppressed for many years (working at executive level in the financial world most of my career), and helped me understand how important it was to find my authentic self and to "fill my cup" before setting out into the world of men and relationships.
She was caring and understanding and supportive at the same time as not letting me brush over or avoid the difficult things I needed to face and whilst I initially went to focus on dating I ended up starting a journey back to myself and I will always be eternally grateful to her for this.
I learnt so many invaluable things! Some of the stand outs for me were: understanding my own limiting beliefs about relationship and men; how to reconnect to my feminine self that I have been suppressed for many years and understanding how important it is to be open to receive; how to not buy into the story that I have told about myself and how to ask he universe for the love and abundance that we all seek.
Michele is knowledgeable and has a breadth of understanding about women, men, relationships and all the ways in which we block love from coming into our lives.
In addition to a great understanding of the psychology of men and women and relationships she is very down to earth and is able to provide practical day to day tips and strategies which is enormously helpful.
She is nurturing and caring but still holds you to account for your own stuff no matter how uncomfortable. She has been there and worked through her own journey so is very empathic and non-judgemental.
Thank you Michele, for starting me on this extraordinary and so overdue journey back to finding to myself. I know that this journey will continue for the rest of my life.
You gave me a safe place to explore and gain clarity about what I want.
I am grateful to you everyday for your teachings, and resources that have continued to guide and support me every single day.
As I have reconnected to my own self, I feel a joy and centredness that I have never felt before and I have seen radical transformations in my life, my work, my friendships and family relationships.
My mum says she has got her daughter back again!